We define Climate Advocates as organizations and individuals who have had a measurable impact on slowing or cooling the warming of the planet. Our research begins in Quebec, Canada and will expand as our resources allow.
Indigenous Resistance.
According to this joint report from Oil Change International and the Indigenous Environmental Network, “Total Indigenous resistance . . . on Turtle Island — including ongoing struggles, victories against projects never completed, and infrastructure unfortunately in current operation — adds up to 1.8 billion metric tons CO2 e, or roughly 28 percent the size of 2019 U.S. and Canadian pollution. Victories in infrastructure fights alone represent the carbon equivalent of 12 percent of annual U.S. and Canadian pollution, or 779 million metric tons CO2e. Ongoing struggles equal 12 percent of these nations’ annual pollution, or 808 million metric tons CO2e.”
Community and Non-Governmental Advocacy.
In Quebec, Canada, everyone won big in 2022, with the passage of Bill 21, An Act mainly to end petroleum exploration and production and the public financing of those activities. Several Non-Governmental Organizations celebrated its passage as a win for their collective work and advocacy, highlighting the importance of partnering with community activist in raising awareness and building political momentum.
Climate Research and Responsive Governance.
Further research will be posted here as it develops.